Friday, June 7

Friday Night Blues

So for the first time, I am home on a Friday night. Alone. Everyone is out, which means I'll be sleeping alone. They'll be back tomorrow though. Reposting this from my tumblr:
I like being alone, but I hate the feeling of being lonely. 
When you’re alone, you have time for yourself. Your thoughts finally catch up to you. You set your mind on things and everything is just clearer. Nothing’s bothering you and everything just feels right for once. 
When you feel lonely, you feel as if no one’s there for you. It feels like no one understands you or is willing to listen. It feels like you’re screaming in a crowded room, but yet not one person looks up.
I like being alone, yes. But now is not the right time, it's distracting me from my thesis. Being all by myself at this moment does make me feel lonely. I'll be happy to just survive this night, and to just go out tomorrow.