Sunday, January 27

How would describe a moment like this? Could capture how genuine these emotions are? This is why I keep coming back to the mission, to my service, and most specifically, my program. I may fail at many things, but each time I fall, I keep running back. I don't know why, I just do. Serving during the OLOPSC retreat was both a reminder and an affirmation for me. Being there reminded me of the time I was serving in DPS, no holding back and going all out. Growing in the mission in good and bad times. Sure, it was not an easy task and I get hurt, but it was worth it. The retreat reminded me how fragile high school students are. I may be serving in HSB, but I guess I've lost my touch with my members. Despite of these things, I was affirmed of the mission that I have. I find peace and joy in serving these high school students; I am praying that I grow more in love and in spirit through this service.