Tuesday, February 18

Playing with PS

Earlier, I changed my display photo over Facebook. It is an attempt to motivate myself for this final stretch of the semester (and my college life). Personally, however, I know it is inappropriate to change the photo with me wearing a toga. That's too assuming, I haven't even passed my pre-finals requirements yet. So I decided to go with my 'fashion shot', this one:
Original/raw fashion shot
The photo looks awkward, with the subject feeling the same way as well at that moment. I'm neither a photographer nor an expert photo editor, so I consulted my/our buddy Google about post-processing and photoshop. I'm not really familiar with ALL of the features of that software, but I got excited upon reading about actions. These are preset 'templates' for post-processing, and most of them produce different outputs like the photos below.  It may be 'cheating' especially for those who shoot and edit their own thing. However, it is convenient for more people like me. 

Teach me Photoshop
I'm not really good with editing photos in PS, but I'd love to learn more. For now, though, I have to sleep and finish everything I need to accomplish this week.

Two weeks left!

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